Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blue October Inspired Beanie

After having been on a music/beanie kick lately yesterday I came up with an idea to create a beanie inspired by one of my favorite bands, Blue October. These guys are absolutely amazing and they're all super sweet. I've seen them a total of four times in concert and three of those times my blue family and I stayed after to meet the band. Last year when my mom passed their music really pulled me through that rough time.

I spent a good bit of time browsing through some photos of the band and their album art and stuff and got the idea for this from a patch that I actually have.

Taking this I pulled out some of my black, Red Heart 4ply, yarn worked up the base of the beanie. Then took some red, Red Heart 4 ply, yarn and created a small crocheted heart and sewed that onto the base at a slight angle. Finally taking two pieces of white, Red Heart 4 ply, yarn and crossed them over the heart to get this as the final result.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

TARDIS scarves

TARDIS scarves

My first big project that I completed. Two TARDIS scarves that I made for Gerard and Mikey Way of My Chemical Romance. A friend had bought us tickets to the Honda Civic Tour and I took these along and gave them to the roadies to give to the guys. From what I heard they received the scarves and loved them. Which really made my day. ^_^ I knew how much they loved Doctor Who and being a fellow Whovian I just had to make these for them. I have one for myself as well.


So this is my newest Blog. This will be for all my craft related stuff. Crochet projects, art pieces, doodles. I have a few things already finished but I'm going to try to space out the postings so that it's easier to manage. So we'll see how it goes.